Eclipse, Equinox & Supermoon

This is awesome I just had to reblog, thank yu as always for writing such inspiring articles!

Sang Rouge Terre Blanc

Hare MoonThe Hare, with it’s association to Moon and Goddess, has always been for us a totemic animal of great power and significance in our magickal work. At the Spring Equinox, the Hare beautifully symbolises fertility, transformation, conception, and new life.

We at SRTB are still engaged in a project we commenced at Imbolc, a transpersonal journey to the triune aspects of Brigid; the poet, smith and healer. We will be furnishing details of our meditations, pathworkings, and realisations in a subsequent post. For those who were inspired to come along with us in our work, or who explored the poet, smith & healer aspects in their own way, we would appreciate hearing about the methods of exploration & the insights obtained, and would be delighted if you should choose tell us about these in the comments section of our next post.

For now, like many in the pagan/magickal community, we…

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